Whatever your needs or situation may be, we’re ready to work with you.
When clients complete their treatment program, they may need to go back to their home state because of family, work, or financial obligations. Other clients may want to stay local to continue with their sobriety. Regardless of where you need to be when your program is completed, we will be there to help assist in your aftercare.
At Genesis House, we understand the importance of aftercare for our clients. We know that when clients transition out of treatment and back into the real world, aftercare services make that process much easier. Along with helping to ease the transition, aftercare is important for those recovering from substance use disorders for the following reasons:
- Our Programs
- Addiction Therapy Programs
Our Programs
Therapeutic work can continue — You began therapeutic work while in treatment, but just because your program has finished does not mean that your therapeutic work is finished. Remaining connected to therapeutic services like seeing a therapist regularly can help you maintain your sobriety by continually working on the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of yourself and the world around you. It is best practice to make efforts to find a therapist and set up your first appointment prior to leaving the facility. This helps prevent any lag in progress and keeps you focused on your continued recovery.
Connection to the recovery community remains — You will develop strong bonds with other clients here at Genesis House, showing you just how imperative it is to have friends in recovery who can hold you accountable and be a shoulder to lean on. Continuing to stay in touch with these individuals regularly, as well as working to establish a firm standing in your own local recovery community, can keep you rooted in your recovery at a time when you may feel most vulnerable. Make it a priority to gather contact information for those who you have bonded with while in treatment so that you can continue to support one another. Also, leave Genesis House knowing that just as you developed a support network here, you will develop one within your own community through meetings, etc.
Your odds of long-term sobriety increase — Studies show that the longer a person remains in treatment, the more likely they are to uphold long-term sobriety. Aftercare serves as a form of addiction treatment, as it continues to provide you with resources and skills to maintain your sobriety. It is a common misconception that once your treatment program has been completed, you do not need to do any more work, but in fact, the end of your treatment program is where your recovery begins. Now is the time to apply everything you learned while in treatment to your daily life. This can be a daunting task, but knowing that you have the support of Genesis House through aftercare can make it much less overwhelming.
Aftercare at Genesis House
At Genesis House, we value the importance of aftercare just as much as we do any other portion of addiction treatment. That is why we make sure to offer as much aftercare support as we can to each and every one of our clients. Some of the most beneficial aftercare services utilized in treatment centers like ours include the following:
Help finding sober living — Sober living is one of the best ways to reintegrate back into everyday life after addiction treatment. Part of your aftercare, if necessary, can include someone helping you find a sober living home that meets your specific needs. Sober living homes are homes where others in recovery reside. This living setup is an opportunity for recovered individuals to step foot back into the real world with a sense of support all around them. There is no alcohol or drug use allowed at sober living homes, there are often curfews to follow, and guests tend to be limited out of respect for other roommates. This structure can help to firm up an already established recovery.
Hosting meetings — Treatment facilities are known to host 12-Step meetings on-campus and within the local community. Doing this allows current clients and alumni to meet with one another, share, listen, and develop bonds with one another. If you are local to the facility, going to meetings in the space where you received treatment can be a welcomed, comforting feeling. Not only will you be familiar with your surroundings, but you can guarantee you will see familiar faces — both of which can keep the momentum of your recovery going.
Alumni programming — Alumni programming focuses on providing clients with opportunities to remain connected to the facility. This might include annual cookouts, events, meetings, or other activities that bring the treatment facility’s community together. While these events might not occur on a regular basis, they can benefit individuals greatly by giving them a safe, alcohol and drug-free environment to socialize in without any added pressures. It also provides individuals with another opportunity to tend to their support system so that it grows and remains a constant factor in their lives.

Treatment Statistics
Studies have shown over and over again that the longer a person remains in treatment for a substance use disorder, the longer they are able to maintain their recovery. This is because addiction is a lifelong, incurable disease. While people may get physically sober, it is imperative to ensure that one’s emotional and psychological wellbeing are up to par, too.
The Butler Center for Research states the following statistics about individuals who have completed treatment:
- 89% are still sober one month after finishing treatment
- 76% are still sober three months after finishing treatment
- 69% are still sober at six months after finishing treatment
- 70% are still sober at nine months after finishing treatment
- 85-95% are still sober one year after finishing treatment
When individuals actively engage in their treatment and remain connected to the proper care, their odds of relapse shrink significantly. Therefore, including aftercare services into your overall treatment plan is critical.
We place just as much focus on the aftercare that you receive as we do the treatment programming you obtain with us here at Genesis House. We are excited to see what you do with your sober life!