Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant that can easily lead to addiction and dependence. It is often used at an early age, which increases the likelihood of addiction. In recent years, statistics suggest that there has been a significant increase in its use. As a stimulant, it releases dopamine into the brain, causing euphoria and an increase in energy.
Coming down from a high can cause depression, extreme anxiety, or paranoia. They are caused by withdrawal or lack of the drug in the body. Coming down from a high is hard on the mind and body. The effects are different depending on how much of the drug you have been using. Those who are highly addicted spend an average of $60 to $100 per day on their drug even if they can barely afford it. In their desperation to get high and to avoid the acute discomfort of not having ingested it, they will do almost anything to get their hands on it, including unethical or illegal things.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Symptoms of withdrawal from methamphetamine start within 24 hours after quitting. No longer taking it can be emotionally painful and physically uncomfortable. Your symptoms depend on a variety of factors—such as your general health, addiction cycle, and the amount of abuse your body has endured. When you first withdraw from using this drug, you will experience extreme cravings. Later, during the acute phase of withdrawal, you may experience fatigue, lethargy, dry mouth, ravenous appetite, persistent sadness, loss of interest in everything, and even suicidal ideation.
As your brain adjusts to the lack of stimulation from methamphetamine, withdrawal can cause extreme psychological effects. You may, for example, experience psychotic symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations. The more severe the psychotic symptoms, the more difficult it is for a person to manage their thoughts and emotions. This can lead to them feeling like they’re out of control and having difficulty with everyday tasks such as planning and completing work assignments. At an extreme end, they might find it difficult to distinguish between reality and fantasy.
Challenges in Treating Meth Withdrawal
Meth addiction is one of the most difficult substance abuse problems to overcome. Because of the changes in your brain’s chemistry caused by this addiction, quitting can be so difficult that it’s almost impossible to kick this habit just by yourself. For a successful recovery, you will need to get professional treatment from therapists or addiction specialists.
To successfully recover from meth addiction, it is essential to seek professional treatment from a therapist or addiction specialist. However, since the range of symptoms of withdrawal vary a great deal, physicians are often unsure of the best approach to treating them. Despite crystal meth’s addictive nature, there is no medication that the FDA has specifically approved for the detoxification process. Taking certain medicines prescribed by a physician can relieve some withdrawal symptoms associated with meth use.
Most Prescribed Prescription Drugs
Doctors can treat the most common symptoms of meth withdrawal—such as violent mood swings, feelings of paranoia and anxiety, physical exhaustion and weakness, excessive sweating, and appetite loss symptoms—with the following medications:
Wellbutrin (bupropion): This is a prescription drug that can treat several types of depression. Unlike SSRIs or tricyclic antidepressants, it is an atypical antidepressant. As a mood enhancer, it works by increasing the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain.
Modafinil (Provigil): This is a prescription drug used to treat excessive sleepiness during the day, but it is also effective at treating withdrawal from methamphetamine. Symptoms of methamphetamine withdrawal may include anxiety, agitation, depression, heart problems, psychosis, and suicidal thoughts. If these symptoms are severe enough, Provigil can be an essential treatment.
Paroxetine: This drug relieves symptoms of withdrawal related to mood, such as depression, mood swings, anxiety, and sleeplessness. Depression can be treated with this FDA-approved antidepressant.
Prozac (fluoxetine): The use of antidepressants to overcome depression has been in debate for many years. Research has found that people who take Prozac are less likely to experience cravings and moods. This means that there are fewer chances for meth users to relapse to take the edge off their depression.
Remeron (mirtazapine): A recent study suggests the antidepressant, Remeron, may be effective in treating the more acute symptoms of methamphetamine withdrawal. There are some withdrawal symptoms that can be dangerous, such as suicidal ideation, which Remeron may reduce.
After quitting crystal meth, withdrawal is inevitable. If you or a loved one are addicted to methamphetamine, seek professional treatment from an addiction specialist or therapist. A meth addiction rehab facility offers medical detox, on-site doctors, and nurses who are available 24 hours a day. Call us at 855-936-4435.