Getting the Detox Help You Need
Genesis House is here to help guide your journey toward sobriety, and often the first step of that journey is detoxification. Detoxification, or detox, is the process of removing harmful substances like drugs and alcohol from a patient so they can begin healing. Depending on the person’s health and the drugs involved, this can involve direct medical intervention to purge the harmful substances or a more holistic approach that provides medical supervision and support while the body cleanses itself. In either case, our residential treatment provides a safe and comfortable experience for our patients while managing the withdrawal symptoms that can make addiction recovery difficult or even dangerous without support.
Alcohol withdrawal, in particular, can lead to anxiety, nausea, sweating, and delirium tremens, which can bring about hallucinations and seizures, and even prove deadly in the worst cases. Alcohol is legal, but it’s also one of the most dangerous drugs when it comes to withdrawal, and our addiction center is here to help you overcome every obstacle to recovery.
Knowing When Enough Is Enough
The first challenge can be simply recognizing when seeking out treatment is necessary. Medical experts recommend considering these distinct signs that your alcohol use might be giving way to addiction. You don’t have to have all of the below warning signs: just two or three could be enough to indicate a problem. If you find this list describes your drinking habits, give us a call or reach out to us online to take the first step towards recovery.
- Drinking more or for a longer period than you originally intended.
- Wanting to cut down on your drinking or stop drinking but being unable to do so.
- Spending excessive amounts of time drinking or recovering from drinking.
- Having cravings for or feeling like you need alcohol.
- Being unable to manage your daily responsibilities due to your drinking.
- Continuing to drink even though it’s causing problems in your relationships.
- Quitting important professional, recreational, or social activities to drink.
- Continuing to drink alcohol even though doing so puts you in danger.
- Drinking even when it causes or worsens physical or psychological conditions.
- Developing a tolerance, meaning you need to drink more for the same effect.
- Suffering from withdrawal symptoms whenever you don’t drink.
Another online resource that can help you decide whether the occasional drink is turning into something more serious is the World Health Organization’s AUDIT (short for Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test). It’s a quick ten-question quiz that dives deeper into your daily habits and the role alcohol plays in them, and a score of 8 or higher can indicate dangerous or harmful alcohol use. You can take the WHO’s test anonymously through this link to gain more insight into your drinking habits and whether it’s time to consider treatment.
Find Freedom From Addiction
You and your loved ones deserve better than lives controlled by etizolam. Call us today and start your recovery journey.
855-936-4435Taking the First Step to Recovery
When a patient arrives at our drug and alcohol detox program, they’re greeted by skilled and compassionate professionals who’ll begin the admissions process. The first step is to conduct an initial intake assessment, which is performed by a medical professional. This assessment helps both the medical and clinical teams understand exactly which detox services the client needs most. Since the detox process is a vital step in early recovery, it’s critical that a patient embarking on this process receives the most personalized treatment available.
Using this initial assessment of the client, we’ll determine the severity of their addiction, allowing us to prepare the appropriate level of treatment. Here at Genesis House, we offer top-of-the-line medical care for all clients in our alcohol detox program to prevent any of these dangerous withdrawal symptoms from becoming severe. Clients who undergo alcohol detox benefit from medications that help calm withdrawal symptoms and provide added comfort. With the supervision and care we provide, our detox clients quickly move into the next phase of their treatment plan once their systems have been fully cleared of alcohol.
For a broader look at what to expect when starting addiction treatment, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services offers an online recovery guide for patients that applies equally to every treatment program, from the first detox to maintaining lifelong sobriety.
Making the Journey Count
Addiction and alcohol use disorder can leave lasting scars, and both patients and their loved ones can suffer from long-term emotional dysfunctions brought about by the disease and their struggle against it. Once the detox process is complete, the Genesis Program offers a variety of structured programs to guide our clients on the next step toward recovery.
The common goals of our structured treatment programs are:
- Help the client achieve and maintain abstinence.
- Increase understanding of the disease and the recovery process.
- Recognize and overcome inner obstacles to recovery, such as defense mechanisms.
- Introduce the participant and their family to twelve-step support groups.
- Improve interpersonal relationships (family, work, social, etc.).
- Help increase participant and family self-esteem.
Our treatment programs are guided by a person-centered philosophy which provides participants with an opportunity to develop a stronger sense of self, to help them realize how their attitudes, feelings, and behavior are being negatively affected so they can overcome them and find their true potential. Recovery is a gradual process that isn’t defined by abstinence alone: improvement in a patient’s other life areas is the truest yardstick for measuring success and of the utmost importance in guiding rehabilitation.
It can be difficult, even dangerous, to try to quit drinking on your own. But it’s never too late to ask for help, and our detox center can help you recover in a safe environment. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism offers an online Treatment Navigator to help guide patients through the process, and Genesis House is with you every step of the way.
Genesis House is Here to Help
Detox is often the most dreaded step for many people on the path to recovery, and there’s no denying that it can be a difficult and dangerous challenge. Genesis House is here to help. From the first intake exam to the detox process itself, including support, medication, and therapy, to the long-term treatment and care needed to truly overcome alcohol use disorder once and for all, our detox program can guide your path to lasting sobriety.
Once you’ve completed the alcohol detox program, we offer a variety of follow-up addiction treatment programs, including residential treatment, outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation, and even a recovery program designed exclusively for first responders. We also offer a dual diagnosis program where you can receive treatment for alcohol addiction alongside underlying conditions like depression and anxiety that can trigger a relapse. You’ll have access to in-class therapy programs scientifically proven to treat addiction by helping you develop healthy coping mechanisms and successfully manage everyday stressors.
It’s not uncommon for recovering alcohol addicts to relapse at some point along their journey, but we help our clients overcome the past through our full-scale relapse prevention program. Our staff will work with you closely to create a tailored relapse prevention plan to help guide you in case you get off track. We also have an open-door policy, meaning you’re always welcome at Genesis House if you relapse or feel on the verge of relapsing.
Genesis House offers one of the most celebrated and successful drug and alcohol treatment programs in the Lake Worth area. If you or someone you love suffers from alcohol addiction, please contact us today by phone or through our website. We’ll help you take the first step and find an evidence-based treatment program that suits your recovery needs.
You Don’t Have to Fight Addiction Alone
Overcoming a substance misuse disorder is hard, but you don’t have to struggle alone. Find supportive, evidence-based treatment at Genesis House.
855-936-4435Frequently Asked Questions About Alcohol Detox
How do I know if I need an alcohol detox?
Drugs and alcohol can affect each person differently, and so can the withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms might be mild enough for an outpatient program while other cases can be extremely dangerous without around-the-clock medical supervision and treatment. Symptoms can start anywhere from six to twelve hours after the last drink while some of the worst effects, such as hallucinations and seizures, can take hold well after 24 hours.
People who already have a history of severe withdrawal symptoms, and particularly those who have experienced delirium tremens before, are among the most susceptible to the dangers of alcohol withdrawal. Likewise, patients who have been struggling with alcohol use disorder for a long while, or who tend to drink very frequently, can be medically vulnerable to withdrawal in a way that makes inpatient detox the safest treatment option. Withdrawal is the body’s first struggle to do without a substance it’s become dependent upon: this phase of recovery is pivotal, and the greatest risk of a relapse is during detoxification.
What can someone expect during inpatient detox?
Detox is an important step toward addiction recovery, and our program provides a safe and supportive environment to ensure a successful outcome. Alcohol detox can involve a variety of treatment options, from medications and monitoring to alleviate the health risks of withdrawal to nutritional support to behavioral therapy. The process can last an average of one week before the withdrawal symptoms have run their course and may take longer depending on such factors as how severe the addiction’s become, how healthy the patient is when starting treatment, and how quickly the liver can filter out the alcohol.
Generally speaking, though, alcohol detox can be broken down into these four stages:
Early Stage (4-12 hours after the last drink)
- Withdrawal and detox can begin as early as two hours after the last drink in severe cases, but the symptoms more frequently begin around 6-24 hours after the last drink.
- At this stage, the symptoms are usually mild.
- Medication is not typically required at this point.
Peak Stage (1-3 days after the last drink)
- This is usually the worst stage for most addictions.
- The peak stage typically occurs between 24-48 hours after the last drink.
- By this time, nearly all of the alcohol has left the body.
- The danger of a relapse is strongest at this point.
- This is when medication and therapeutic intervention are critical.
Weakening Stage (3-5 days after the last drink)
- By this point, the body is starting to acclimate to the absence of alcohol.
- The acute withdrawal symptoms begin to subside.
- Medication can now be weaned off or ceased altogether.
- Other forms of therapy may be introduced to focus on long-term recovery.
- For the most severe cases, this may be when delirium tremens begins.
Final Stage (5+ days after the last drink)
- This recovery stage usually begins between 5 to 14 days after detox starts.
- Inpatients are now able to leave detox and enter residential or outpatient treatment.
Delirium tremens, the most severe and dangerous form of alcohol withdrawal if left untreated, can prolong the peak stage. Its symptoms typically begin within 2-3 days of the last drink and might last up to ten days, although most of its symptoms subside within a week.
What comes next after detox?
Once your detox treatment is complete, we offer a range of programs to help our clients make the transition from addiction to lifelong success and sobriety. Alcohol use disorder is a chronic illness that often took years to form, and at Genesis House, we’re dedicated to helping you avoid a relapse and complete your recovery. Detoxification is the first step towards that goal, and once you’ve successfully taken it, we can help provide the support, resources, and skills needed to better manage cravings and life stressors without relying on alcohol.
Our Inpatient, Day Treatment (partial hospitalization), and Intensive Outpatient programs all focus on addiction as a unique illness with its own symptoms and treatment. We use the initial assessment taken before detox to help decide which program is best for each patient, and we offer continuing care after discharge through the Genesis Aftercare Program, offered weekly at no additional cost and recommended for a minimum of one year.