It is hard to understand addiction sometimes. Some believe the problem can be dealt with will power while others think it’s a disease that can be cured. Having your loved one go through detox in Florida to see him go back might be disheartening, but there is more to it than you might imagine.
Addiction is Back?
Your loved one’s addiction never really left. One major goal of a good rehab center is to find a way to repress addiction or make it dormant. Your loved one is given the tools to continue to repress the addiction so that he can go back to his life as expected.
You should know that addiction is a deep rooted issue. Your loved one’s brain structure has been shifted through abuse, which makes it a lot easier for him to fall back into the addiction.
Did Detox Fail?
First of, the detox program did not fail as it did what it was supposed to do, which was to remove all toxic substances from your loved one’s body. This is merely the first step in a rehabilitation program and gives your loved one the opportunity to overcome this addiction.
In essence, a detox helps relieve the hold that these substances have on your loved one’s body. Detox centers are not meant to cure the disease, as mentioned earlier, so it did not really fail.
Should he Try Again?
Yes, what your loved one is going through is sometimes called a relapse. Something must have triggered his drug use, and he needs help to gain composure. Your loved one is equipped with the tools and will go to the rehabilitation center for additional help to fortify his ability to fight off triggers and urges.
The professionals at the rehabilitation center are likely going to try to focus on the trigger that caused the relapse. Perhaps this trigger was not discussed or your loved one needs more help understanding why he is having trouble fighting off the trigger. You and other people in his support system are now aware of the trigger’s power on your loved one, which should help protect him from another relapse.
There is no doubt that overcoming addiction is going to be hard. There may be setbacks like this one, but that does not mean you or your loved one should give up. This is an opportunity to learn and get better at suppressing the addiction. You know that he is willing because he already went to rehab once, so do not give up on him.
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