Group therapy is a popular treatment plan for those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. However, not everyone can or should participate in group therapy. This blog post will explain how you should determine whether or not group therapy is a good idea for your situation. Group therapy has generally been shown to be effective as a treatment method for substance abuse because individuals can express their emotions and concerns with other addicts who have similar issues. This blog discusses if you need to participate in group therapy during rehab.
1. How Should I Approach a Decision to Participate in Group Therapy?
The first step is to determine if you need to participate in group therapy at all. If you have been sober for a while or have been clean and sober for several months, it may not be necessary to participate in group therapy. Your therapist might advise against this idea since it may serve as a distraction from recovery. On the other hand, if you have just entered recovery, then recovery must be the priority. Group therapy is designed to help;
• addicts deal with problems within the community.
• It helps the individual to learn how to make amends on a larger scale.
2.If You are a Member of a Peer Group
If you are part of a peer group, then you might be better off not participating in group therapy. This is especially true if the peers are mentors or mentors/mentees. When peers get together to discuss their issues, they tend to forget that it is not always appropriate to discuss their problems in public. They tend to blur the lines between personal and professional lives during these meetings. Therefore, they forget that some things should be kept private. This can interfere with your recovery. However, if you do participate in group therapy, then it is essential to keep these things in mind.
3. If I Am Not a Member of a Peer Group
If you are not part of a peer group, then you will have to determine if the benefits provided by group therapy are worth your time. This is especially true if you are already participating in other forms of therapy. For example, if you are doing well in individual therapy and have always sided with the idea that twelve-step programs are beneficial, it is best to keep things as simple as possible. If you participate in group treatment, you will be spending time in facilities that provide recreational activities and facilities designed for rehab progress. This is not always the most effective way to stay clean and sober. Group therapy is a good thing, but it does not always match up with your needs. However, if you do decide to participate in group therapy, then you must work closely with your program.
4. What About Participation During Detox?
If you decide to participate in group therapy during your time in rehab, then it is advised that the entire process not take longer than six weeks. This may be because group therapy can cause disruptions or because those having issues with alcohol or drugs may use their participation as another reason to stay sober. It is always best to participate as part of a weekly meeting and remain sober during those meetings. This will help to reduce the risk of complications.
5. What If I Forgot to Pay My Group Therapy Fee?
If you decide to participate in group therapy, you must pay the fees promptly. There are instances where counselors will suspend privileges for members who do not pay their fees within ten days of the billing date. Counselors do this to maintain quality control.
6. What If I Want to Be a Member of a Different Group?
If you decide to attend group therapy during the middle of the program, it is better not to try and join a different group. There may be a good reason why you do not belong to the first group. For example, someone might have made a mistake and left you out of the original group because they were unaware that you had been admitted into rehab. If you want to request to join a different group, reconsider your options before making your choice. The more groups you are a part of, the more difficult it will be to focus on recovery. Some people believe that group therapy is the best therapy, but it is important to be careful while participating in these meetings.
Call to Action
If you are worried that group therapy may not be the best option for you, then it is best to discuss your concerns with us. Call us now at 844-903-2111 to speak with one of our specialists.