When your family member is going through withdrawal and discontinuing their use of drugs or alcohol, they need a strong support system to make the process easier. As their loved one, it’s crucial you know how to help them to ensure they have a better mental outlook and feel like they can overcome it. Here are a few main ways to support your family member during withdrawal.
Remain Patient
It can be easy to become impatient with your loved one after seeing them struggle with addiction for many months or years. However, they can only get through the withdrawal process if you don’t make them feel rushed or pressured. Part of the recovery process is healing from past wounds, making it necessary to show kindness and respect to your family member.
Addressing how they’ve hurt or wronged you in the past can only make the withdrawal process more complicated. If you offend them, it can derail the progress they’ve made and cause them to backslide. Keep in mind that they’re in a vulnerable place and need love and kindness until they regain their mental strength.
It’s also important to remain kind and patient with yourself as you navigate your feelings and wait for your family member to fully recover and start the first step to sobriety.
Set Aside Time to Spend with Your Family Member
It can be difficult to know how to show your support to your family member during withdrawal, but one of the most important steps to take is to spend time with them to show you care. Because the first three days are often the most uncomfortable and intense, you can consider spending time with them later in the week when they’re feeling more like themselves again.
Take it easy and don’t do anything too strenuous because of everything their mind and body are currently going through. Consider bringing food to them and watching a movie together. If they have the energy, you can even play a board game. Some people will prefer to sit and talk while processing their emotions.
Help them to stay hydrated and get the nutrition that they need as you visit them. They should consume light meals that are easy to digest. Consider bringing over chicken noodle soup or a light veggie salad.
Keep Away Any Toxic People in Their Lives
Try to protect your loved one from anyone who is stressful, argumentative, or doesn’t care about their well-being. Whether it’s a sibling or an uncle, toxic people in their lives can cause them to backslide and return to their drug or alcohol use. People who want to spend time with your loved one can be a bad influence in their lives and may need to have limited contact for a few months as they recover.
Reflect and Take Time for Yourself
It can be mentally draining to support and love someone who has suffered from addiction. If you want to continue to support them, you’ll need to recharge by taking time for yourself. Reflect on your feelings by writing down your emotions in a journal. This can make it easier to avoid carrying the burden of everything you’ve experienced as a family member.
You can also visit a therapist to process your emotions and can your own support system to get through the difficult time. A professional can validate your feelings and guide you in the right direction when you need someone to talk to during this process.
Do activities that make you happy and allow you to clear your mind, which include taking walks on the beach, exercising, cooking, and doing arts and crafts. This can alleviate some of the stress of the situation.
Provide a Positive Environment
Before your loved one comes home, try to create a stable environment where they’re surrounded by positivity. Remove any triggers that have often led them to abuse drugs or alcohol. You can also keep toxic people away. Keep the conversation positive and encouraging when they return home to ensure they remain hopeful and take on the same mindset.
You can even write a letter that they read when they get back home. This can include how proud of them you are and how you believe in them, which can help them to continue their progress.
With the right support provided to your family member, you can give them the strength they need to recover and reach sobriety. Ready to get started? Call us today at 844-903-2111