Addiction is a disease that impacts millions of individuals and families around the world annually. Knowing a loved one who is struggling with an addiction is often stressful and overwhelming, especially if you are unsure of how to provide them with the help and resources necessary to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life without the use of substances. While overcoming an addiction is never easy, it is possible with the right support system and treatment programs. Helping your loved one through their struggle with addiction is possible once you have a clear plan of action that is right for their needs.
Get Educated About Addiction
Learning about the cause and long-term effect of addiction is essential when you have a loved one who is struggling with their own challenges. When you have a complete understanding of what leads to an addiction, how individuals with addictions feel, and how those with addictions overcome their habits, it is much easier to communicate with your loved one while expressing yourself in a non-confrontational manner.
Talk Openly With Your Loved One
Talking openly and honestly with your loved one may not be as simple as expressing your concern. Oftentimes, individuals who are suffering from severe addictions are less likely to openly discuss their habits and may resort to denial, lying, and even cutting contact with those who pry too much into their lives. Before you begin discussing addiction with your loved one, assess your current relationship with one another and how open they are to new ideas and suggestions.
Avoid Pressuring Your Loved One
Pressuring someone who is struggling with an addiction is one of the quickest ways to lose contact with them, even if you consider yourself a close relative or friend. Individuals who are struggling with serious addiction often harbor feelings of guilt, shame, and disappointment in themselves. When they feel pressured or confronted about their habits (which are not always desirable), they may feel even worse about their current lifestyle and state of mind. Whenever you discuss the option of seeking help for addiction with your loved one, tread lightly and simply share your thoughts without going overboard with pressure or insisting they follow your directions.
Seek Out Local Resources for Addiction
Take the time to seek out various resources in your local area that are dedicated to addiction treatment. There are various types of addiction resources that are suitable for individuals based on their needs and current situation. Some of the most common types of addiction programs include inpatient treatment centers, outpatient programs, intensive outpatient rehabilitation programs, and even local support groups or sponsor meetings.
Determine the Best Rehabilitation Treatment Center or Program for Your Loved One
Compare local rehabilitation programs and treatment centers in your area to determine the best possible solution for your loved one. Once you have a complete understanding of the different types of rehabilitation centers and programs near you, speak with your loved one about all of the options they have available. Traditional rehab programs and treatment facilities vary and include different services and environments, such as:
- Inpatient Rehabilitation Treatment Centers: Inpatient rehabilitation treatment centers are optimal for individuals who lack surrounding support and struggle with a serious addiction that is life-threatening. Inpatient centers require individuals to live within the facility for 30, 60, or even 90 days to complete a program.
- Outpatient Rehab Programs: Outpatient programs offer services similar to inpatient solutions, but do not require individuals to live within a facility throughout the program itself.
- Group Counseling/Sponsor Meetings: Group sessions and sponsor meetings can be attended by just about anyone struggling with addiction. Obtaining a sponsor and learning to effectively communicate and connect with others who struggle with urgers and temptations is a great way to gain the mental and emotional support necessary to overcome addiction.
While it is never easy to convince a loved one that they may need help to overcome an addiction, providing them with the proper tools and resources that are readily available to them is a start. With the right resources, an open mind, and an understanding of addiction, continue going forward in the right direction to help your loved one turn their life around for the better.
Are you ready to move forward with your plan of action to help your loved one overcome their addiction? Call us today. Our counselors are available 24 hours a day. Call 844-903-2111 for more information and to learn how you can lend a helping hand to a loved one in your life.