Suboxone is a useful tool that is often implemented to fight addiction. Suboxone is a brand-name drug that is a mixture of buprenorphine (an opioid alternative that is not as addictive as traditional opiates) and naloxone (an opioid-reversal drug that treats symptoms of withdrawal and overdose). Classified as a schedule III (3) drug, Suboxone itself does have the potential for physical and/or psychological dependence. In rare cases can even be misused and abused. It’s important for potential Suboxone candidates to be aware of this so that they can make an informed decision as to whether or not they feel Suboxone would be an appropriate and effective tool to use during recovery. Suboxone is available in both dissolvable oral films and traditional tablets.
When used in conjunction with traditional addiction therapies, as well as both regular and random drug testing, providers have reported a higher rate of success among their patients.
How Does Suboxone Work?
Suboxone works in two ways. First, the buprenorphine, which is a type of opiate, functions in the brain the same way other opiates do – by binding to opiate receptors and tricking the brain into thinking it is being treated by a traditional opiate. Secondly, the naloxone stays present in the body to prevent both withdrawal from traditional opiates, as well as overdose. Buprenorphine is technically a partial opioid agonist, and in the brain, it works as a step-down from traditional, stronger opiates. In taking the place of other opiates, the buprenorphine in Suboxone both tricks the brain into thinking it is still receiving traditional opiates and protects against withdrawal and overdose thanks to the inclusion of naloxone.
Why Suboxone is Effective in Aiding Addiction Recovery.
Suboxone is effective in aiding addiction recovery because it replaces traditional opiates, while not being nearly as dangerous nor as addictive as traditional opiates. Federal mandates have made Suboxone both accessible and affordable, and with the film version specifically, a lack of pre-authorization requirements means no hoops to jump through in order to obtain Suboxone. Doctors and psychiatrists alike are licensed to prescribe Suboxone, and addiction clinics are able and willing to set up clients with both therapy and MAT – Suboxone as medication-assisted treatment.
How to Use Suboxone: Dosage and Frequency.
Since Suboxone works in the brain in a similar fashion as regular opiates, users report pain relief, calmness, a lack of both cravings and withdrawal symptoms, and an improved overall sense of well-being. However, it is important to take Suboxone as prescribed. Also to be aware of how long it lasts in the body in order to achieve optimal effectiveness.
Once in the body, it can take up to 37 hours for Suboxone to wear off. It takes eight days before blood and urine tests no longer detect traces of the drug. With such a long half-life, users report needing less Suboxone in relation to other opiates. There are factors that determine how much Suboxone a user will need too. These factors include body weight, age, and abuse history. It is best to undergo a thorough physical prior to being prescribed Suboxone. What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander.
No two addicts — nor their addictions — are alike. And depending on how you respond to Suboxone, as well as changes in your body, health, and lifestyle, you may find that over time you may need to increase or decrease the amount of Suboxone you take in a day, or even in a dose. Some users respond best from one dose in a 24 hour period. Others, particularly users who have digestive mal-absorption issues, may do better with splitting up one dose into two or three smaller doses.
Common Fears About a Suboxone Detox
•Once you are on Suboxone, you can’t get off it
•Suboxone withdrawals last forever
•You will become extremely sick
•Suboxone withdrawal is painful and scary
The Truth About Suboxone Detox
The first two points are complete fiction. The last two points may be true if you try to do it alone. The most critical step in healing is to ensure you have the appropriate resources to avoid physiological and psychological effects of withdrawal that would otherwise be worse if done without guidance and supervision.
What Can You Do to Detox From Suboxone?
There are facilities that deal with these types of withdrawals. They have the tools to offer you a holistic approach during this time. If you are ready to seek help, you will be provided with a nurturing and understanding environment. This type of environment can assist you with rebuilding structure and meaning into your life. These facilities use a personal approach to care for you as you overcome your addiction. Not only are the physiological symptoms of withdrawal treated, but the mind and spirit are treated as well.
You Are Not Alone
There are a myriad of professionals available to treat you and to ease your fears. The goal is so you can return to the healthy you that you deserve. It is also important to keep in mind that there are thousands of people just like you. They, too, may be nervous about seeking help or the possible ramifications of stopping a drug of choice. Please know that you are not alone, and getting healthy does not require a painful ordeal. There are professionals ready and willing to help whether you are looking to aide your addiction recovery with Suboxone, or detox from Suboxone altogether.
Most importantly, work in conjunction with your therapist and doctor to ensure you are on the proper Suboxone prescription. Take your medication as prescribed, and if you do experience any cravings or withdrawal symptoms, report these right away so that your medical providers can adjust your dosage — and perhaps your therapy regimen — accordingly. Call us today at 844-903-2111.