Florida is the sunshine capital of United States. Besides overall warm weather, it also enjoys beautiful coastlines. As a result, many rehabilitation centers are based in Florida. This is because it has natural factors such as good weather and a great community. All these factors come naturally to make Florida the best for drug abuse rehabilitation.
Despite having many rehab centers, some centers are more outstanding as compared to others. Adequate facilities, good location, experience, and expertise of staff are some of the factors that define the best rehab facilities in Florida.
Although almost all rehabilitation centers essentially operate the same way, some differentiate themselves by using distinct tools and methods of treatment. The best centers in Florida, for instance, use a holistic healing approach. In the holistic approach, the center ensures that they take care of the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of their clients.
Taking care of all these aspects helps to ensure that all the avenues that contribute to the well being of the person are well taken care of. The following are some of the factors that make up for the best rehab in Florida.
Environmental conditions
Florida has a long coastline; any location is typically a few miles drive to the beach. The process of moving from drug dependency to a sober life is not an easy one. A cool beach breeze and a long sandy coastline, however, will help to relax the mind, which means that the patients can focus on their healing journey. Centers that are in prime spots, therefore, are more likely to have a better success rate because the clients are more relaxed.
Great exposure to the sun
While in Florida, you have to apply your sunscreen. This is because Florida receives a higher exposure to the sun as compared to the cooler states. Sufficient exposure to the sun helps in the absorption of vitamin D.
Vitamin D helps in the strengthening of the bones as well as in mood stabilization. People who enroll in a rehab center that gets adequate sunshine are more likely to be happy and nourished, thus increasing their chances of success. The vitamin D that the patients absorb helps to create more serotonin in the body. The serotonin helps to stabilize the patient’s mood and increase clarity and open-mindedness both of which are critical during the recovery period.
Dedicated and compassionate staff
Addiction is a disease, which means that most of the people who suffer from it require a lot of support. As a result, rehab staff should be entirely dedicated to helping their clients to make their lives better. A dedicated staff is one of the factors that contribute to the success rate of a drug abuse treatment center.
If a center has a dedicated team that helps and supports the clients, it is much more likely that the clients will absorb the techniques and tools available to them. If the clients absorb and practice the techniques, they are more likely to succeed and enjoy a happy life free of substance abuse.
Good culture and lifestyle to support a life change
Florida can be defined best as a tropical paradise. It has a vibrant tropical culture that is synonymous with welcoming guests. This means that it is a perfect place for patients to turn their life around and reintegrate into a supportive community.
One of the things that a drug user needs after treatment is reintegrating back to the society. As a result, rehab centers that are located near communities can enjoy their support through Florida’s culture. Such centers, therefore, have better success rates because the community is supportive and capable of accommodating the visitors. People who enroll in such centers, therefore, are likely to feel like they are a part of the communities.
Florida is the ground zero of recovering communities
Florida is renowned as the recovery center of the world. Over the decades, there has been an upcoming movement of recovery communities. These communities are put up to help former drug users to support each other and have easy access to high-quality inpatient and outpatient’s treatment for drug abuse. Treatment centers that are in these communities are the best because they enjoy the support and availability of resources.
If you or your loved one is suffering from addiction problems, we can help. Just call 844-903-2111; our counselors are available to help at any time of day or night.