If you are are living with an addiction to alcohol or drugs, you may have heard of detoxification. Also called detox for short, this process aims to rid the body of built up and harmful toxins in a safe and efficient way. Detox is most often conducted in a medical setting with constant supervision from staff as well as easy access to doctors and nurses. However, not all rehabilitation facilities offer it on site.
Choosing a rehab with its own detox is a great way to save time and avoid a transition or gap between detox and treatment. It also gives you the chance to get to know the staff better and make friends that can serve as a support system throughout your recovery process. Avoiding a gap in treatment is critical for relapse prevention which is most common during the beginning phase of the recovery process.
What Happens During Detox?
You can expect a few different things to happen during medical detox. For starters, you can expect a peaceful environment and plenty of support from staff and other clients. Doctors are available to help you manage your withdrawal symptoms so you can feel as comfortable as possible. Some of the most common symptoms experienced during detox include the following:
- Aches and pain
- Nausea
- Irritation or aggression
- Inability to fall asleep or difficulty waking up
- Loss of appetite or excessive hunger
- Migraines
- Digestive complications
In some cases, a doctor may prescribe medication to help clients who are experiencing severe symptoms. Replacement medication mimics the effects of common street drugs but is a more safe and controlled substance. If used, doctors only administer a small dose to ease painful withdrawal symptoms and then gradually reduce the dosage until they are weaned off of it entirely. This is available on a case by case basis and is used as a last resort when more natural methods are not successful.
If you feel stuck in the cycle of addiction, you will be happy to know that help isn’t just available, but also attainable. Our team of knowledgeable addiction specialists are available to get you started on a path towards wellness. Call 844-903-2111 today to get started!