Genesis House is an addiction treatment center located in Lake Worth, Florida. Their treatment facility has a knowledgeable, caring and compassionate staff of professionals ready to help. There is an on-site residential facility, plus Genesis House offers an intense outpatient program.
There are inherent characteristics of prolonged drug abuse and alcoholism that necessitate an in-house, residential treatment plan. However, there are also various mitigating factors that make outpatient programs a viable option. Here is how Genesis House approaches outpatient treatment.
Outpatient Treatment Overview
Inpatient treatment is referred to as residential. The reason is that you commit yourself to live at the treatment Genesis House treatment facility for a period of time. Outpatient treatment is a more flexible program.
There are outpatient treatment strategies that employ a more casual approach to when asking for your commitment. At Genesis House, you will be expected to adhere to a series of guided requirements.
Their approach is simple but is built on the idea they want you to succeed. The key difference between their inpatient and outpatient programs is where you will live for the duration of your program. Outpatient, if deemed a viable option to ensure your success, has a few important points.
- If your anonymity is critical, attending an outpatient program while living at your home can be helpful towards maintaining that anonymity.
- There is also consideration given to how long you have been battling against your addiction. Frequently, those who haven’t fought to stay clean and sober for very long can make the necessary life adjustments through an outpatient program.
- You may also have a blend of both of the aforementioned factors. Certain individuals must try to maintain their privacy while still attending to important business and family commitments in their life.
Invariably, when making the ultimate choice between an inpatient and outpatient program at Genesis House, the seriousness of the addictive behavior must be the key criteria used. You will discuss other aspects of your life, such as past addiction history, your home environment, and how strong of an outside support system you have.
You will have one critical thing going for you when you make this important final determination between inpatient and outpatient. The caring and knowledgeable staff at the Genesis House has the experience to guide you in making the right decision.
The Genesis House Outpatient Approach
Understanding the general difference between the Genesis House residential approach and the philosophy applied to an outpatient program is stage one in your recovery. Once you’ve made an informed decision to begin the outpatient treatment, you will benefit from a structured format based years of successful experience.
Genesis House believes one-on-one counseling is vital to unearthing the causes and symptoms that will be exposed as the fuel behind your addiction. This approach is built on a foundation of trust. Your privacy and personal identity are important at Genesis House.
A schedule will be coordinated that allows you to continue with important life responsibilities. Those things that were the primary reasons you chose outpatient over inpatient to begin with.
Genesis House’s approach to outpatient recovery also stresses the vital necessity for identification. Through group sessions, you will meet and interact with other addicts and alcoholics.
From these sessions, you will gradually build a foundation towards recovery through the experience and hope of other like-minded people. Frequently, these bonds developed during outpatient group sessions last a lifetime.
During the Genesis House outpatient experience, they will also provide you with an opportunity to visit outside 12-step organizations. These meetings help build on the smaller group discussion idea. Meetings and session times are open-ended enough to allow you enough flexibility to fit them into your life.
While there are an established set of outside activities for in-house residential clients, Genesis House also realizes the importance of implementing new and exciting things into your life.
Gradually, outside interests will be incorporated into your life so you have new adventures that mark your life changes in recovery. Artistic interests and recreational activities can become welcome tools towards fostering your life in recovery.
The Genesis House staff can help you manage medications, as well as making referrals for professional counseling to address issues that arise during your outpatient experience. The primary key to remember is that your journey in recovery begins at the Genesis House.
After you successfully finish the Genesis House intense outpatient treatment program, you will become a part of the Genesis House family. Living a life clean and sober will be your goal, and the Genesis House will be there for you along your new and exciting journey.
This is the Genesis House approach to outpatient addiction treatment. You’ll begin by sitting down with a trained staff member to make certain your first choice of program types has your life in mind. You will then become part of the Genesis House family that you’ll walk with as you journey along the road of recovery. Call one of our counselors at 844-903-2111.