Recovery does not end after going to rehab. The Betty Ford foundation defines recovery as a “voluntarily maintained lifestyle characterized by sobriety, personal health, and citizenship.” There is no mastery level of recovery; recovery is a lifelong process. Though the idea of recovery being a lifelong process may sound daunting to you at first, life in recovery is full of rich rewards. Recovery is not possible if citizenship is not a part of it; therefore, ongoing support is a must after going to rehab.
There are several sources of support that you can turn to after going to rehab:
Twelve Step Meetings
Twelve Step Meetings (e.g. Alcoholics’ Anonymous, Narcotics’ Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous, etc.) are the oldest and most renowned form of support after going to rehab. The theory behind them is having addicts come together for mutual aid.
Outpatient Treatment
Treating the psychological component of addiction often takes longer than the length of your stay in rehab. Intensive-outpatient meets three to five times a week for three hours. The program includes counseling, group therapy, and education. Regular outpatient rehab is similar to meeting with a therapist once or twice a week for one to two hours. Group therapy and education may also be a part of outpatient rehab.
Twelve Step Alternatives
There are several alternatives to 12-Step Programs (e.g. SMART Recovery, LifeRing Secular Recovery, Women for Sobriety, etc.). There are many paths to the road to recovery. The 12-Steps are not for everybody. Research has shown 12-Step Alternatives are just as effective -if not more effective than the 12 Steps. Spiritual/religious fellowships (e.g. church) are even effective support for some people.
Why Ongoing Support After Rehab is a Must
While professionals can provide insight based on textbooks and research, the best support for a recovering addict is other recovering addicts. Other newly-recovering addicts can provide empathy that you cannot receive elsewhere. Since they are going through the same challenges and experiences as you are, you can collaborate with them on finding solutions to living a successful life in recovery. Being around healthy people is a must for successful recovery, and other recovering addicts who are actively working a program are healthy people.
Genesis House is located in Lake Worth, Florida. Our detox and residential treatment programs can help you jumpstart your new life in recovery. In addition, we provide dual diagnosis, Christian rehab, specialized rehab for uniform officers, and family programs. Most major health insurance plans are accepted.
If you are interested in Genesis House, call them today at 844-903-2111